Translation AZ Blog

Voice-over, subtitling or transcripts – which is best for your video content?

In today’s digital age, offering video content to multilingual audiences is practically a given. For that content to be easily understood and more meaningful, more companies are partnering with translation experts that provide voice-over translation for e-Learning videos and other video content. The main reason to have many languages available is your audience.
A “Voice-Over” is a special voice that is heard over a video/audio recording – whether it’s corporate narrative, the narrative for documentary films, advertising or TV/Radio spot, audiobook, audio/video training programs (training), etc. All the characters are played in one voice. The translation is read by a single actor, and in the background, the original voices are heard (in the source language).
Depending on the objectives, the content, and the tone of the video that needs to be translated, working with a professional translation company can help you determine which technique would best serve your audience. While there are other options like subtitling or transcripts, the benefits of voice over translations are loud and clear. There are 3 reasons why it’s important to have voice-over or subtitling translation for your videos.

Voice-over versus subtitles

Nowadays, people prefer voice-overs to subtitles because there is no distracting text on their screen, they can follow the information better when they hear it rather than read it and will not miss an entire sentence or two by looking away momentarily. Plus, when there is more than one speaker or character, the use of different voices enables viewers to distinguish the speakers and understand dialogues more easily.

Professional sound – an advantage for those that use voice-over

Voice-over translation ensures that the translated material aligns perfectly with the original video content. Basically, when voice over content is done in a studio setting, the translation team has access to professional sound equipment.
Post-production work includes cleaning audio files, as well as normalizing loudness and compressing the dynamic range. By adjusting the difference between the loudest and softest sounds and making other edits through post-production work, the sound quality of the finished product is unparalleled. The professional sound quality and complementary style of the translation make voice-over translation a better option than subtitling and transcripts. Get the best services of voice over online translation from a certified translation agency in the USA. Voice-over is one of our areas of expertise, where we help business, corporate and government channels.

Voice-over stands out over transcripts

The benefits of voice-over translation versus transcripts are pretty obvious. Imagine watching a video in one language while trying to read in another at the same time. Talk about information overload. Unfortunately, some companies choose not to utilize voice-over translation. Instead, they share their video content in English along with written transcripts in another language.
Using a transcript that is written in a speaker’s native language while trying to follow a video in English is problematic for both the company and the client. Instead of offering access to clear content, the person who watches the video is left with assumptions, as it can be very difficult to infer tone and determine to pace using only a transcript. In contrast, when voice-over translation is used, native speakers create eLearning and other videos that are customized. By using voice-over translation, companies can offer training and other eLearning in a multilingual format with nativity and authenticity. This translation ensures that the content and tone of the video are preserved, allowing learners to discover information in a way that is comfortable and helpful to them.

In conclusion, voice-over and subtitling translation are some of the most important advantages when you want to reach more people. Translation AZ provides translation services for a wide range of industries. Voice-over and subtitling are one of our areas of expertise, where we help business, corporate and government channels.

Click on voice & subtitling and try our translation services. You will be certainly pleased!