Translation AZ Blog

Medical translations – how to choose the best medical translation agency?

Medical language is a rigorous standardized system that requires a careful and conscious translation, especially since we are talking about our most precious asset: health.
When choosing a good translation agency, we have to keep in mind that professional medical translations must be done by professional translators who are specialized in this field.
Legalized medical translations made by our translation agency have an important segment that we treat with great care and maximum professionalism.
Translating medical documents has a key role in helping healthcare providers implement the necessary treatment for patients who do not speak their language well enough to allow for proper communication.

Medical translation service

What are the aspects you need to consider regarding medical translations?

– If the translation is intended for a patient, the translator should avoid using abbreviations as much as possible, or in any case describe them and specify their meaning.

– Abbreviations, acronyms and medical terms are not a problem for doctors (who understand very well their meaning), but patients also want to understand the medical documentation in the translated version.

– The medical documentation must be translated in such a way as to correspond perfectly to the professional level.

Improper medical translations can lead to:

• Wrong diagnostic that can cause inappropriate treatment;
• Unexpected side effects that medication has on a person because its composition is translated in a wrong manner and it is different from what’s written on the label;
• Patients who don’t understand the information and thus refuse the treatment
• Death, when doctors can’t understand the gravity of a patient’s symptoms

Authorized medical translations

Examples of types and models of medical documents that we have translated so far:

– Medical tests of any kind
– Medical records
– Medical documents
– Medical certificates
– Prescriptions

Translation AZ – one of the top translation agencies in Europe

Translation AZ is committed to providing the best medical translations using medical translators with high experience in the medical field. Our team of medical translators & medical researchers has developed a database with medical terms & acronyms thus helping to speed up the translation process and increasing the quality of the translations.
Translation AZ provides excellent quality and super fast results at the most competitive rates in the industry. We have vast experience regarding medical translations.

Translations of medical documents – pricing

The costs of medical translations depend very much on the degree of difficulty of the text, whether or not it is handwritten, whether the text is legible, whether the translation is urgent or not. Therefore, it is first necessary to analyse the respective texts in order to make you the best price offer. The project manager dedicated to your project will follow all the steps that your medical document need to obtain an impeccable result and will keep you up to date with all the stages.

Once we receive the medical documents from you, we will instantly assign the task of medical translation to an expert translator who has extensive knowledge in the field of licensed medical translation. Whether it’s a clinical trial translation service or a medical certificate translation service, you can be sure that your project is in the hands of an experienced professional translator.

If you are looking for a translation offered in the medical field, please call us at +1(800)620-4789.
Or you can contact us 24/7 through our online form. Most of the quote inquiries are responded to within 2 business hours or less from the moment of the filing receipt.