Translation AZ Blog

How to Ensure Your Documents are Translated Accurately

Certified translation is essential for all kinds of document translation needs. Documents like medical, legal, certificates need to be certified translation to ensure high quality and accuracy. But, the term certified can mean different things in different scenarios. You must ensure your documents are translated by a competent team of translators to ensure all translations are admissible in evidence and accepted by the officials.
To get the best-certified translation services, it is necessary to understand the difference between certified and non-certified translations of written documents. There are many translation companies available in the market, but not everyone offers quality results.

What is a Certified Translation?

A certified translation of written documents requires it to be signed with a statement stating the accuracy and completeness of the translation. Another way is that a notary public notarizes the statement to certify that the translation has been done to the best of its capabilities.
Companies offering high quality certified translation services have experienced and qualified translators to complete the work. They have translators specializing in different fields to provide accurate and high-quality translation services. The translators are not only experienced they have industry-specific knowledge to ensure that the translated documents live up to the mark. They are also native speakers of the language, which is again an important requirement of a certified document’s translation.
A full-scale translation company also has specialty editors and proofreaders who ensure that the documents are error-free.

What kind of Documents Need Certified Translation 

All types of documents need certified translation. Whether it’s the business documents, legal, medical, educational, or birth certificates, certified translation ensures the document has been accurately translated.
Documents that need to be admitted in courts of important government offices like immigration will need to certify that it’s accurate. Any kind of mistake can create misunderstanding and influence the outcomes. No matter what kind of documents you have for translation, it has to be certified.

Choose the Right Translation Company

Choosing the right translation agency will make all the difference. When looking for an agency offering certified translation services, ask for certification, years of experience, industry-specific translators and the cost of the service. These are some of the important considerations for choosing the right company.

The Bottom-Line 

A certified translation agency will ensure that your documents are translated accurately and accepted by various government bodies. Make sure to choose the right company for the best translation results.