Icelandic Translation

We are proud to say that Translation AZ is one of the fastest growing translation agencies in the USA. We are here to help you translate your business documents from and into nearly every language on Earth.
We offer the best performance levels of all online translation agencies, with an optimized workflow that guarantees over 95% of deliveries on time. Our work is based on the knowledge, the technology and the resources required in order to offer an accurate translation for business or personal use.
Translation AZ provides translation services like Icelandic to English – English to Icelandic document translation services for various fields like legal services, medical services, technical services, localization services, transcription services and so on.

Why Translation AZ Is The Best Solution For Icelandic To English – English To Icelandic Translation

Icelandic is one of the Nordic languages, which are a subgroup of the Germanic languages. Germanic languages are traditionally divided into North Germanic, i.e. the Nordic languages, West Germanic, i.e. High and Low German including Dutch-Flemish, English and Frisian, and East Germanic, i.e. Gothic, which is now dead. The Germanic languages are in the family of Indo-European languages together with the Celtic, Slavonic, Baltic, Romance, Greek, Albanian, Armenian and Indo-Iranian languages, in addition to several language groups, which are now dead. Accordingly, Icelandic is more or less related to all these languages. Linguistically it is most closely related to Faeroese and Norwegian.
Our professional Icelandic translation experts have compiled the following points about the Icelandic language which would help you develop an understanding of the same.
The proficiency of the vocabulary, grammar and syntax are very important any translated documents and this is ensured by the fact that we work with native translators for Icelandic.

What If You Need A Translation In A Particular Icelandic Dialect?

Icelandic is the main language in Iceland. It is the official language and almost everything in Iceland takes place in Icelandic. Icelandic is taught in school, the news is told in Icelandic, newspapers are in Icelandic and the Senate takes place in Icelandic.
Icelandic is the most similar language to the old Norse-language as it has been the least influenced by neighbouring countries and visitors. The official language of Iceland is Icelandic and the need for Icelandic translation services is rapidly increasing as the Icelandic economy recovers after the 2008 economic unsettlement.
A special characteristic of the language is its uniformity, meaning the absence of dialects.

Prices For Icelandic To English – English To Icelandic Translation Services

Specialized translations such as legal translationstechnical translations, USCIS document translations etc. are usually priced at higher rates than general translations as they require translators with solid background in such fields. Our price depends on the complexity of the subject, the format of your document and the deadline.
All of our translators are native speakers of the target language, with a minimum of 5 years’ experience and academic qualifications in Icelandic translation and interpreting.
We ensure the confidentiality of information and data submitted by our customers and adapt Icelandic to English – English to Icelandic translation services to the specific needs of every client.

If you are looking for Icelandic to English/English to Icelandic translation service translation, please contact us during our business hours at +44 (0) 203 710 4731.
You can also CONTACT US 24/7 via our online form; most of the quotes inquiries are responded within 2 business hours or less from the moment of file receipt.