In the translation industry, ISO 17100 is used internationally to govern the quality of translations and related services such as transcription, voiceover, subtitling, etc. The standard outlines key criteria that a quality translation service should provide, including anything that directly impacts the final product.
Translation AZ strictly adheres to this standard and does meet ISO quality requirements when conveying content from one language to another.
Our Quality Process focuses on a few key factors:
The translator’s comprehension of the source text is the foundation of a successful translation process. The impact of a mistake in this aspect is profound. Misinterpreting the source text can lead to mistranslation, loss of important details, and even the transmission of incorrect information to the target audience.
The translation must not only be accurate, but also easy to read and comprehend, to read “natural” for natives. A mistake in this area can make the translation feel awkward, stilted, or disjointed, leading to a lack of engagement from the audience and readers may struggle to connect with the content.
This is the process of adapting content to suit the cultural, linguistic, and social preferences of the target audience. Failure to localize properly can result in cultural insensitivity or offense.
Consistency is crucial to maintain the integrity of the translated content. It ensures that terminology, style, tone and other elements uniform throughout the translation and create a coherent and cohesive reading experience. Inconsistencies can confuse the audience and disrupt the overall message.
Accuracy is the bedrock of any translation effort. An accurate translation is one that faithfully conveys the meaning of the source text without introducing errors, omissions, or distortions. The impact of inaccuracies in translation can be severe. In fields like medicine or law, errors can have life-altering consequences. Even in less critical contexts, inaccuracies can lead to misinformation, damaged reputation, or lost business opportunities.
Precision in translating numbers, units, and measurements is vital, particularly in scientific, technical, or financial content. Mistakes in this area can lead to costly errors or even pose safety risks.
Preserving non-translatable terms such as proper nouns, brand names, trademarks, and specific cultural references is essential for maintaining clarity, consistency, and legal compliance. Failure to preserve these elements can lead to confusion, mistrust, or legal disputes.
Proper punctuation is crucial for ensuring clarity, readability and the intended meaning in the target language. Incorrect punctuation can alter the interpretation of a sentence or make it difficult to understand.
We have both the People and Technology to help us catch these errors.
Our language professionals & proofreaders follow the above quality checks on every project, ensuring an error-free final product. We offer dedicated workspaces & tools for our linguists which help them work closely together and take the best decisions on the project.
Our TMS (translation management system) uses built-in QA checks and allows us to integrate translation memories & glossaries/other reference materials to help with consistency, style and key terminology.
There are so many companies out there…Why Us?
Because we understand that “Trust Takes Years to Build, Seconds to Break and Forever to Repair” – Dhar Mann
We don’t want to brag about how we make everybody happy. All those who run a business or who deal with other businesses know that this is not possible. But we do our best! We listen to you and we ask questions about your project to better understand your needs and match you with the right resources and tools because in the end, it is about you and about your business! And we understand this.