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3 Important Requirements for USCIS Document Translation


The United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) require important documents like birth certificates from people who are applying for citizenship in the USA. People from other countries who do not have English as their official language will first need to get their documents translated into English so that officials can verify the facts and complete the procedure according to the rules.
USCIS documents translation needs to be done carefully so that there is no confusion or mistranslation of the facts. To ensure complete accuracy and high quality, there are a few important requirements that need to be fulfilled.
Here are a few important things you need to consider for accurate USCIS document translation:

1. Certified Translation

You will need to get certification from the translation service that declares that the translator has done an accurate translation of the documents. That the translators were qualified to translate the documents and fulfils the quality criteria for the document translation. This is an important consideration for the USCIS translation. So, make sure you hire a translation service that is certified.

2. Competent Translators

Since the translators will have to sign the translated documents or attach a declaration, you must hire translators who have the correct knowledge and experience for it. For high quality and accurate translation, you need to hire translators who are native speakers of the target language as well as have years of experience in USCIS document translation. These requirements are essential for quality document translation.

3. Reputed Translation Service

Taking the help of a professional translation service is essential for quality and error-free translations.  So make sure that you choose the right company for translating your important USCIS documents.
Do a little research and read online reviews to choose the right translation company. Make sure to hire a translation service agency that has a good reputation. They must specialize in USCIS translation and have a great team that can provide an accurate and high-quality translation. Price is also an important factor. Depending on your budget and volume of translation needs, you can choose a translation agency that is offering a cost-effective solution to your translation need.

The Bottom-line

USCIS document translation should be done carefully by a competent translator so that the document is accurately translated without any error. Choose the right team for your translation need and ensure that you meet the quality standards of the USCIS translation.